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I think we all agree that 2011 was great (just for some people), but it was sucked year for many people around the world, especially in this country. Many unfair and big stupid things happened. You knew that! There were many corruptions, man slaughter and still many fucking stupid things. I am going to ignore them and start jumping on.

NOW, it’s 2012. We can pretend that 2011 never happened again! Do you think I want to review the previous year? No, I will not. I am going to look forward to 2012.

Here, I start my day: January 1st: The official first day of 2012 (The first time I write in 2012 & I promise that I won’t brag my New Year’s resolutions).
January 2nd: I will teach IELTS class (The first day, working in 2012).
January 3th: I will make video for INDONESIAN YOUNG CHANGE MAKER SUMMIT.
January 4th I’ll finish my audio book.
January 10th: Starting my new class at Mastering English Faster (MEF).
January 21th: Going to Paloh (Sambas): Giving English & ICT training for teacher in the border area.
January 28th: I will train Web Blog for MEF members.
February 11-13th: I have invitation to attend INDONESIAN YOUNG CHANGE MAKER SUMMIT, in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I’ll wake up for it.
February 18th: MEF Community “English Camp”.
March 13th: My birthday. I am not sure receiving presents from my family and my friends. but, I don’t care about it. Read more..
April 1st: I vow to write an English book. I must struggle with this. Anybody want to help me to become my assistant? 
May 5th: Ready to go to holiday!
June 16th: I will crave some new movies. No money, No XXI. Just copying the movie from my friends (Pay, Aji or from the others). Then, no one can stop me watching! Um.. Over!
July 4th: I will meet new friends. They will be common or great people. Whoever!! Everyone is teacher for me. Every month, I try to have new friends. Perhaps, I’ll get new knowledge and new experience from them.
July 14th: I will retry the whole book thing.
July 20th: My girlfriend will ask, “Would you like to marry me?” um. What do you think?
July 28th: MEF Community “English Camp”.
August 5th: At the FUN BIKE. I’ll get the main Door Prize 
August 15th: I’ll buy new flag for Indonesia Independent Day.
August 17th: Celebrating the Independent Day by praying for hopeless government.
September 1st: Point my gun & HIT the target “That’s ESA slogan” 
October 6th: My students will ask me to go to Singkawang for English Camp. I will say YES! Let’s roll over!!
October 7rd: Massage!
October 8st: I will be “sick.”
November 28th: I will finally aware that I am doing nothing in this year! Then, try to kill myself (I got you! I am lying). I’ll kill my negative thinking & attitude. I am mature man! I am gentle man! I am great man and um. Don’t tell anybody that I’m superman! :p
December 20st: According to the Borobudur code 20-12-2012, today is the end of day! I don’t care about it.
December 22nd: After seeing that the world did not end, I begin shopping and enjoying my life.
December 30th: start to prepare New Year party without my girlfriend again.
December 31nd: Cleaning my bicycle in the garage. I’ll not go anywhere at night because it must be crowded and I’ll be trapped in the traffic jam. It’s better to prepare the new movie and new video clips from Youtube. Prepare a dozen food and coke, but I prefer tea.
January 1, 2013: Start dreaming again! It’s Free, right? Everything is started by dreaming! But, don’t forget to make a great and secret plan then just action. Enjoy it, and Focus! If we fail, try again, gain & again!


Asep Haryono said…
Hi Mr Ucup. I hope the future 2012 will bring us more wealthy , good health and outstanding achievements. Wishing you all success and rewarding year ahead.

Happy New Year 2012 for you and your family there

Asep Haryono
obat herbal kanker hati said…
artikel yg berguna. sangat bermanfaat. tks
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