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Showing posts from January, 2016

21 Questions to Better Understand the Other Person

If you want to better understand the other person and want to know about his/her personality and preferences, the question game questions you should ask are: 1.        What type of TV shows, books and movies interest you the most? Why? 2.        What was the best thing that you enjoyed and what was the best thing that you hated about school life? 3.        If you were given a choice between your hometown and living somewhere else, would you leave your hometown forever or stay in your hometown forever? 4.        If you are in a situation where you are very dirty, extremely tired and very hungry, would you eat, take a nap or take a shower first? 5.        What is the thing that you think is overrated (secretly) but that is loved by everybody else? Why is that the case?

Absolutely YES! You CAN!

PASTI BISA Pengen Bisa Ngomong Inggris? Sudah belajar bahasa Inggris dari  SD  - SMP - SMA bahkan KULIAH pun masih tetap belum bisa ngomong Inggris  Iya kaan?..  grin emoticon Mau kursus tapi takut mahal? Jangan takut.. Tempat belajar bahasa Inggris TERBAIK DI KAL-BAR. Akan ngasi kamu pilihan paket spesial.. ‪#‎ PASTIBISA‬ Kamu juga akan tergabung ke komunitas yang sudah tersebar di seluruh KALBAR, asik ga tuh... Hari gini syusah ya kalo ga bisa ngomong Inggris, hihi Daftar nya gimana? 

Awesome Idea

My  Business Card Design. 

Wanna Have this Cool Daypacks for Travelling?

"Tapi Mr. Supriadi yang ngajar ya"

Seorang mahasiswi bertanya: ‘Mr. Supriadi, saya sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sejak SD, SMP, SMA, sampai sekarang tapi belum juga lancar dan belum percaya diri ngomong bahasa Inggris, kenapa ya? Saya juga susah sekali memahami bahasa Inggris khususnya listening (mendengarkan). Kenapa ya? Okay berhenti sejenak, kemudian saya tanya dia kembali “Selama ini udah belajar speaking secara khusus belum? Sudah belajar sama ahlinya belum? Di sekolah/kampus hanya belajar reading atau gr ammar (tenses) kan? Belum fokus kan? “Iya, sir” jawabnya sambil tersenyum. Ya begitu, kalau belajar belum fokus, belum mendalam (deep learning) dan tidak menggunakan cara yang efektif hasilnya akan lambat bisanya, apalagi materi dan cara belajarnya sulit dan tidak asyik. Pengen lebih cepat bisa? 4-5 kali lebih cepat dari cara biasa? “Maulah, Mr”. Oke dengarin baik2 ya..  smile emoticon Pertama-tama, mulailah belajar dengan materi yang mudah & yang asyik/seru. Cara belajarnya juga harus fun/menyenang...

HOLIDAY in 2016

Siap-siap bagi yang mau liburan dan jalan-jalan di tahun 2016. Ini Kalender Libur dan Cuti bersamanya. Asyik.. 

Happy 1st Unniversary Borneo Backpacker

2nd January 2016, nice moment with Borneo Backpacker Community. We arranged this activity together. I made the tent. Yeah.. I did it by myself, guys. (My DIY project (Do it Yourself). I was asked to be the facilitator for the game. We played Crazy & Dare Question. I gave everyone a piece of paper and a pen. They must write a crazy and funny question. After writing the question, they must put the paper in a jar. After everyone finished writing, we were ready for Crazy & Dare Question. There were many crazy questions and everyone must be dare to answer and to do the instruction. Before doing or answering the question or instruction participant must share his or her resolution in 2016.